Friday, October 18, 2013

Wi-Fi compared toThalidomide by microwave weapons expert: harms school children

British retired military microwave expert Barrie Trower warns about what we are doing to our school children with unprecedented microwave radiation in our schools. His experience with microwave weapons means he OUGHT TO KNOW the biological risks, which he continues to back up with studies.

His report states the following:

The Main Risks to Children

These biological processes described as being ‘influenced’ by low-level microwave irradiation may not just damage foetal growth; relying on the same biological processes are:

Blood Brain Barrier – requires 18 months to form and protects the brain from toxins. It is known to be effected.

Myelin Sheath – requires 22 years to build its 122 layers. It is responsible for all thinking, organ and muscle processes.

Brain – requires 20 years to develop (I can assure you, cell phones do not help in its development).

Immune System – requires 18 years to develop. Bone marrow and Bone Density are known to be affected by low-level microwaves as are the immune systems’ white blood cells.

Bones – requires 28 years to develop – as mentioned the moisture content of children makes both the ‘soft bones’ and marrow particularly attractive to microwave irradiation. Bone marrow produces blood cells.

Clearly, our decision makers are overlooking a child illness pandemic hitherto unknown in our 40,000 generations of civilization; which can involve over a half of the World’s exposed mothers / children.
The question remains if anyone will listen in time, or if the world needs to first witness the devastating impact on children and their progeny - with human dna likely damaged irreparably forever - to end the wireless proliferation frenzy, especially Wi-Fi in schools and smart gadget exposures.