Friday, April 29, 2011

Smart Meter Type Radiation used to Treat Medical Conditions, and to REPEL RATS!

The use of low level radio frequency (rf) to treat medical conditions proves - once and for all - it has definite biological effects.

Here are some of the medical and cosmetic effects rf is being used to create:
...a low level radio frequency current...quickly removes broken capillaries, cherry angiomas, spider veins, and skin tags without scaring...The electrical current seals each tiny vessel and the blood stops flowing.

RF energy can penetrate the body and be absorbed in deep body organs without any heat sensation… The Radio Frequency... produces significant amounts of collagen, elastin and ground substances, the thick undercarpet of the skin.

Radio frequency ablation (RFA) delivers an electrical current to the tumor tissues, which causes them to vibrate rapidly and create frictional heating.

Radio frequency energy is used to destroy abnormal electrical pathways in heart tissue or normal parts that are contributing to a cardiac arrhythmia...The practitioner first "maps" an area of the heart to locate the abnormal electrical activity (electrophysiology study) before the responsible tissue is eliminated.

These are all examples of controlled medical and cosmetic uses of microwaves. Therefore, exposing people to the uncontrolled totals of rf energy from smart meters, Wi-fi, wireless broadband and cell phone equipment is like randomly TREATING THE ENTIRE POPULATION with unmonitored mixtures of radio frequency WITHOUT ITS CONSENT or a doctor's careful application.

Radio frequency transmissions are also being successfully used to make rats feel uneasy and leave an area. Likewise, the pulsing RF radiation from new wireless devices is making PEOPLE feel sick and uneasy, chasing them away from their own homes and neighborhoods, making some into homeless nomads. (Note the P.S. in the link.)

People should not be treated like lab rats by the government-industry complex. It is time to sound the alarm about this unconscionable situation.

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