Sunday, April 3, 2011

Could be microwaves, but probably not government mind-control tests

Are U.S. government microwave mind-control tests causing TV presenters' brains to melt down?

This recent article is correct that the garbled speech and illness of several high-profile announcers is consistent with possible symptoms from microwave exposure. But today's numerous sources of microwave radiation could be to blame rather than some shady government plot (although I could be wrong). The new soup of microwave radiation from cell phones, cell towers, smart meters and broadband/wi-fi is already harmful for people who have electrosensitivity. No central authority is keeping track of the mixture of microwave levels. And healthy people can develop this sensitivity with enough exposure.

Of course, the garbled announcers could have been affected by other factors unrelated to the environment. But it is always a good idea to try to be aware of all the possibilities.

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