Thursday, July 28, 2011

Big (Allopathic) Medicine = Big Business

Here is an interesting video by Dr. Mercola, a controversial doctor because he promotes alternative methods to try to treat the root(s) of health conditions, rather than mask them with drugs like traditional allopathic doctors would do.

Big Medicine has a tremendous amount of power in people's lives, so we ought to be aware of its limitations and the full impact of this self-perpetuating industry. We put so much trust in this profession, but it might be a good idea to open our eyes and logical thinking to the way it works.

Of course, natural, alternative medicine can be harmful, too. For example, there were a number of reports on chelation backfiring, and people getting really sick from mobilizing the metals in a natural treatment. Some supplements can also end up being harmful, so in the case of one's health, it is good for the buyer to beware.

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