Friday, September 23, 2011

Microwaves Cause Leakage of Albumin through Blood Brain Barrier - and WHAT IT MEANS TO Human Kind

Please read this crucial 2008 evidence for the biological harm manmade microwaves are unleashing on the world, especially human health. The Blood Brain Barrier was created to keep harmful toxins and and substances in the blood away from the brain. Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields causes this natural protective mechanism to FAIL, and allows a brain to be damaged by leakage of harmful substances, such as stored metals or pesticides, now entering the BRAIN.

My reading also has shown evidence of exposure to bursts or pulses of low level microwave radiation to "excite" atoms and cells, thereby making them release STORED TOXINS into the blood. This interferes with the body's natural protective and immune measures, and would logically progress to more free radical damage as toxins are re-circulated again and again.

The same process of atom/cell excitation could account for some positive effects in some conditions and circumstances, where this activity keeps plaques from settling and causing damage, for example, in Alzheimer's patients. But at the same time, the stored toxins in their bodies could be causing brain damage from now entering the brain across the blood-brain barrier.

When will the scientists wake up? When will the legislators wake up? When will the people awaken to the truth about these harmful effects and take action to prevent devastating results to the population? Will it take bodies lining the streets as the human guinea pigs fall? Will it happen only when wireless industry leaders' families fall beside the rest? When, oh, when will the human race wake up?

Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No. 173, 2008 283
The Mammalian Brain in the Electromagnetic Fields Designed by
Man with Special Reference to Blood-Brain Barrier Function,
Neuronal Damage and Possible Physical Mechanisms

Leif G. Salford,1,) Henrietta Nittby,1 Arne Brun,2 Gustav Grafstr¨om,3

Lars Malmgren,4 Marianne Sommarin,5 Jacob Eberhardt,3 Bengt Widegren6

and Bertil R. R. Persson3

1Department of Neurosurgery, Lund University, Sweden

2Neuropathology, Lund University, Sweden

3Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University, Sweden

4Applied Electronics, Lund University, Sweden

5Department of Plant Biochemistry, Lund University, Sweden

6Tumour Immunology, Lund University, Sweden

Life on earth was formed during billions of years, exposed to, and shaped by the original

physical forces such as gravitation, cosmic irradiation, atmospheric electric fields and the

terrestrial magnetism. The Schumann resonances at 7.4 Hz are an example of oscillations

possibly important for life.1)

The existing organisms are created to function in harmony with these forces. However,

in the late 19th century mankind introduced the use of electricity, in the early 20th century

long-wave radio and in the 1940-ies short-wave radio. High frequency RF was introduced in

the 50-ies as FM and television and during the very last decades, microwaves of the modern

communication society spread around the world. Today, however, one third of the world’s

population is owner of the microwave-producing mobile phones and an even larger number

is exposed to the cordless RF emitting systems. To what extent are all living organisms

affected by these, almost everywhere present radio frequency fields? And what will be the

effects of many years of continuing exposure?

Since 1988 our group has studied the effects upon the mammalian blood-brain barrier

(BBB) in rats by non-thermal radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). These have

been shown to cause significantly increased leakage of the rats’ own blood albumin through

the BBB of exposed rats, at energy levels of 1W/kg and below, as compared to non-exposed

animals in a total series of about two thousand animals.2)6) One remarkable observation

is the fact that the lowest energy levels, with whole-body average power densities below

10mW/kg, give rise to the most pronounced albumin leakage. If mobile communication,

even at extremely low energy levels, causes the users’ own albumin to leak out through the

BBB, also other unwanted and toxic molecules in the blood, may leak into the brain tissue

and concentrate in and damage the neurons and glial cells of the brain.

In later studies we have shown that a 2-h exposure to GSM 915 MHz, at non-thermal

SAR-values of 0.2, 2 and 200 mW/kg, gives rise to significant neuronal damage, seen not

only 50 days after the exposure7) but also after 28 days but not after 14 days. Albumin

extravasations and uptake into neurons was enhanced after 14 days, but not after 28.8)

In our continued research, also the non-thermal effects on tissue structure and memory

function of long-term exposure for 13 months are studied.9) We have also performed microarray

analysis of brains from rats exposed to short term GSM both at 1,800 MHz and at

900MHz and have found significant effects upon gene expression of membrane associated

genes as compared to control animals.10),11)


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