Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Smart Meter Update from Wyoming, Ohio and Maine

Here is a link to more reports from earlier this year of utility bullying of Wyoming and Ohio energy customers over installing wireless smart meters.

And here is an update on the fight in Maine, from Dianne Wilkins, June 12, 2011
Her lawsuit may create precedent to HELP US ALL. (stay tuned)
Comment at EMR Health Alliance of BC

In Maine, 7 people, representing over 70 customers of the electric Utility CMP, filed 7 complaints with the Maine Public Utilities Commission, and recently won the right to opt out of the RF smart meter program (for a fee). Because of the publicity generated by our cases, 7,000 people wrote the utility to ask to opt out of the program. I am one of the 7 lead complainants. The Maine PUC only allowed the opt out option on the basis of economic feasability for the customers and the utility, ignoring our constitutional rights to protect our homes/bodies from harm and to prevent anyone from putting something into our homes without our permission. I am now appealing this decision in the Maine Supreme Judicial Court (case 2010400) to ask the court to define our legal rights and hopefully set a State Supreme court precedent so that all U.S. Citzens can use this precedent to fight this outrageous, unlawful intrusion into our homes! To see all of our court documents, testimony, & exhibits, visit the Maine PUC website, go to “virtual filings” and type in one of our case numbers 2010400, 2010345, 2010398, 2010389, 2010346, 2011085, & 2011120. Hopefully you can use some of the exhibits to support your fight to hardwire the smart meters instead of using radiofrequency waves that emit harmful radiation. Unfortunately, I have filed a Notice of Appeal but have been unable to find an attorney to take this case on a Pro Bono basis. I am still searching and hoping to find an informed, generous, lawyer willing to fight Golieth for us all!

And I echo Dianne: When are the lawyers going to get on this???

1 comment:

  1. The lawyers will get on this when there is some REAL SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that smart meters are harmful. I have studied this at length, and there isn't. And as very liberal environmentalist and retired engineer in Maine, I can tell you that Dianne is on the fringes on this issue, and her case is a loser. No lawyer wants to take a losing case. Even the Public Advocate, who was her hero a year ago, is sick to death of hearing from her.
