Saturday, October 8, 2011

Anti- Smart Meter Songs and Videos to Share

Check out these creative expressions born out of the fight against smart meters.

Dumb! Meter Song:  Lyrics by Sandi and Chris Maurer (No. CA)

Salt Spring Part 7 "No Wireless Smart Meter" Protest Rally Song (BC)                                  

SMART METER song  sent in by ShaftBottomBoy
Activist Nina Beety performs her 'The Get Rid of Smart Meters Song'    (California)
New Rap Song Takes On PG&E (interview): A to Z Smart Meter Rap by Ellen Cecil (California)
Listen to the rap song, plus another song by Ellen, Smart Meter Blues.

Music video:
Smart Meter Pulses,: guitar track put to Amy O'Hair protest talk from 9-14-2011 SAN FRANCISCO [State Building] during a CPUC opt out workshop.
Smart meter humorous shorts from BC:

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