Monday, November 21, 2011

Harvard Lecturer Dr. Adlkofer Exposes Corruption in Cell Phone Research

As people trek out early on Black Friday to get deals on iPhones and other wireless stuff, they might want to save those receipts until looking at this video. Most people have heard the research into possible harm from cell phone kinds of radiofrequency emissions is inconclusive. What does this really mean? And why haven't people heard about the peer-reviewed, duplicated biological impacts (including DNA damage) of cell phone-type radiofrequency emissions?

This lecture by Dr. Franz Adlkofer during his Harvard Law School presentation presents facts that expose the power, money and corruption that has been influencing the research. The question is will our assumptions, paradigms and preferences allow us to digest this information, or not?

Here is the introductory blurb:

On Nov. 3, Dr. Franz Adlkofer, former executive director of the VERUM Foundation for Behavior and Environment, spoke to a Harvard Law School audience as part of the lectures and events series hosted by the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics.

In his lecture, “Protection Against Radiation is in Conflict with Science,” Adlkofer discussed the difficulties he and other scientists face when presenting research on the carcinogenic effects of electromagnetic fields emanating from cell phones. He also discussed the institutional corruption which he says obstructs their research.

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