Thursday, December 8, 2011

History of Microwave Mania : Birth of the Monster Smart Grid

Here is the nifty graphic from an article with the same title by Senior Editor Kathleen Davis at  Electric Light & Power: Power Grid International.

Davis compares today's switch over to the so-called Smart Grid to Godzilla's transition from monster to hero:
The electric T&D industry is attempting a similar Godzilla flip-flop: Taking a huge, hulking, archaic electricity T&D system and creating from that a massive, self-healing smart grid overnight (a few decades in industry terms).

According to the article the birth of the Smart Grid apparently happened in 2007 when Austin Energy CIO Andres Carvallo came up with the term at an industry conference. It is the same year Amy Worthington wrote about the radiation poisoning of America from cell mast proliferation. The Smart Grid also feeds on wireless "smart" technology constantly "talking" to create feedback loops between consumers, the power companies, the appliances in order to "show" them where to save money - based on the new rates the utilities decide to deploy.

The goal is to squeeze out energy use by paying energy companies to provide less, then giving consumer "incentives" so they can "choose" to save money on their new-rated bills.
Here are four prongs of this infrastructure vision from Ken Oshman, Echelon Corp.’s chairman and CEO:
1. Focus on the core end result and mandate that result. (For instance, reduce energy 10 percent over the next three years by responding to the conditions on the grid.)
2. Do not mandate technology. The market will decide which technologies win. The winning technologies will allow the industry to achieve its goal.
3. Remove regulations that deter power generators from saving energy. Competition, technical innovation and creative business models will take care of the rest.
4. Create regulations that pay utilities to sell less energy.
It boils down to consumers paying more for less energy. They will make it more scarce, and then incentivize consumers to use it at different times and use less of it to save money. What a scam. (They are starting to test rationing in Australia!)

However, notice how Oshman says NOT to mandate technology. Yet, wireless utility meters are being forced upon consumers who do not want them due to health, privacy and safety concerns.

So, there, you have it: a bit of history and truth about the Smart Grid monster, which can never become a hero to people who do not want its cold, calculated attacks on their privacy, security and health. The creature cannot live without its wireless pulse. And its lifeblood is poison to the people.


  1. The international telecom industry and its cadre of techno-groupies could not trip over itself fast enough to go for this assault grade level of corporate imperialism, eager beyond measure to implement the socialization of loss and the privatization of gain, not to mention the final transfer of middle class assets to the corporate world, via the "smart" energy rationing model, en route to the ultimate goal of net zero energy use by 2020. 
    The smart grid techno-groupies make for the perfect match of alien and alien, so pathologically single minded are they about the totalitarian cachet of it all, and so endlessly eager are they to rush this monstrous global scheme through on a green washed, "save the world", quasi religious pretext, mutually mad about an agenda so artificial it is almost indistinguishable from its inventors. 
    What else can one honestly say about such a thoroughly  de-natured post normal computer addicted set's sick and narrow tendency to drool at the very idea of the "pay more for less" greed of it all? They are, after all, the hand maidens of utilities who in turn are in bed with governments everywhere, a veritable  incestuous feast laid out by those whose purpose it is to buy and be bought by others. 
    It is the ever willing techies who have facilitated the mesh mess and made it all possible, who have set this ill conceived cumulative global radiation grid in motion so fast, in less than five years, that they forgot to either check or else rewrite the existing laws still on the books which they are busy breaking left, right and centre. 
    We are not only exposed to meters, but to the combined effect of unrated and ignored routers, signal relay bouncers, towers, all of them turning us into involuntary components of the grid by coupling to both our own biological "wiring" and our house wiring. 
    It is almost surprising that grid techies have not complained that we humans who are being co-opted by the circuit against our will are the nuisance factor as the cause of a certain degree of electrical resistance which potentially makes the mesh network blanket a tad less efficient, that we are likely viewed almost as if we are merely a low hertz impediment which stands in the way of their ultimate nanotechnological wireless objectives. 
    First of all the whole world seems to ignore the obvious, that for instance the grave harm caused by ultra low EMF frequencies is already taught for medical credits, albeit as a horrible warning, via North American qualifying courses taken by medical students for continuing medical credits, education offered under the auspices of the American Academy of Family Physicians, Florida Board of Dentistry, Nursing Academy, etc.
    More importantly, ultra low microwave frequencies were first designed for military application as weapons, precisely to DO harm, fully intended to cause irreversible injury, disorientation, cognitive impairment and death, slow or fast.

  2. So what is the big mystery for anyone who insists on denying the danger? 
    These frequencies are not only identical to those which have been used militarily as less than lethal and/or lethal weapons for many decades, but for these and other medical and legal reasons these "smart" frequencies violate international electrical codes, (harmonics), international buildings codes (vibrations) and international EMF safety codes (the frequencies precipitate good old fashioned electrical induction which is against the law - period), not to mention trespass, the American 4th amendment, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, consumer protection laws, even Nuremberg Laws of fully informed consent. 
    Those who argue otherwise and don't as yet have cancer seem to be completely at ease with postures involving cognitive dissonance. 
    This kind of useful idiot, as always, maintains a total disconnect between the commonplace use of often leaky microwave ovens with which such people cook inert flesh from the core outward, by using microwaves, and continue to argue that this has noting whatsoever to do with the overeager willingness of the same idiots to deny that those same microwaves can or would ever be able to harm living flesh, let alone induce cancer, etc.
    This despite the use of same since the 1940s, including the intentional aimed bombardment of the US Embassy in Moscow, to do just that. Virtually all the occupants subsequently died of various cancers.
    While the wise have locked up their analog meters beyond breach, the ever willing are still busy funding theirs own gallows. 
    Meanwhile the telecom industry continues to dismantle the ecosystem and kill off pollinators and in fact slowly disfigure, genetically alter and destroy  ALL navigational creatures (gradually or otherwise, as in "Colony Collapse Disorder") by wirelessly demolishing without a second thought the ability of all biological entities to survive,  overriding their and our ability to remain attuned to the magnetic lines of flux of the earth by means of global wireless assault on life itself. 
    Unless there is an intervention soon? We and all species seem to be well on our way to becoming toast, and are likely to be self cooked by illegal ubiquitous radiation, even while we pay for this execution. And of course that includes the spawn, the corporate sons and daughters, every bit as susceptible to sterilization and worse as are any intentional or irrelevant targets.
    Truly, what price would you put on mass species extinction in any legal settlement? There is no such figure.  
    And all for the sake of  "convenience", a blanket of radiation waves coating everything everywhere, instead of using safe insulated hard wiring.
    What is worse, most seem like H.G. Wells Eloy from the Time Machine, prey entrained in a predator induced trance, unwittingly addicted to wireless genocide/suicide and seemingly too stupefied to even have the gut instincts to sicken at the corporate slime use of the word "smart" - misplaced self flattery if ever there was any. Fuk-U-Shima aside? It does not and cannot get any more stupid than this.
    For more info contact:
    Curtis Bennett
    Chief Science Officer
    Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
    Engineering Technologist
    Adjunct Faculty, IHF & GEDI
    Thermografix Consulting Corporation   
