Thursday, January 26, 2012

Asian update on deadly “smart meter” pandemic

Coming soon to an Asian country near you - microwave transmitting utility meters to dose residents and visitors 24/7 with dangerous pulsed radiofrequency radiation, which a new Greek study shows harms brain proteins - impacting learning, memory and alzheimer's development. So much for respecting people's qi or chi body energy, which will be seriously disrupted by the growing microwave exposures.

1.5 million meter V-AMI deployment in China announced by Glen Canyon Corporation

TEPCO to hold bids for 17 million smart meters


October 2009: Taiwan Power is experimenting with wireless communications that allow a smart meter to communicate with appliances throughout the household. According to Ho Wu-chi of the government’s Industrial Technology Research Institute Taiwan will develop its own bi-directional communications system for smart meters.

Ho said that the potential for the international smart meter market is enormous. He said the world will need 30 million smart meters a year for the next 30 years and that each meter will cost between $50 and $100.

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