Friday, February 17, 2012

Microwave Nation: the Props make the Man (or Woman)

In case you were wondering why this new, quirky comic strip lacks proper furniture...

The props at the comic creation site ( used for Microwave Nation are varied to some extent. But I found no cell phone or cell tower or utility meter or other transmitting device to use and make the strip literal. Thus, I have substituted a science lab flask with some glowing red liquid in it to represent transmitting devices. (The H2O Red Hot Spray is a visible symbol for radiofrequency/microwave radiation, which can't be seen.) After all, the monstrous proliferation of microwave equipment is an experiment of sorts, so the lab flask symbol should work well enough.

Let's talk furniture. Or not. You can pose characters to sit, but I did not find a chair to put them in. So, you can have a meeting but no place to sit. It is funnier to see them sitting there without a chair anyways (see strip #3.)

The settings available are also limited, and I prefer to focus on the interactions and meaning and feelings. Microwave Nation is minimalist when it comes to props and settings.

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