Monday, February 27, 2012

Your wireless is hurting us: why don't you listen (and care)?

Wired Child at Facebook wants to know why people who are gaga over wireless toys and apps do not care about the people who are sensitive and getting sick from the emissions. This is an eloquent piece, but perhaps it puts too much faith in humanity's awareness, goodness and bravery.

Many people who use wireless may simply have no clue about the dangers. And if they start to get an inkling, they might be afraid to believe the unthinkable: that their leaders have allowed and even encouraged the proliferation of a dangerous, far-reaching technology - out of sheer stupidity or greed. Who is steering this ship then? Surely, they wouldn't let us be hurt...or would they? Would they?!

Besides harboring fear, people are by nature selfish. Morality and compassion are learned. Without a moral compass, humans will refuse to give up fun, profitable stuff even if it may be hurting others. I think it will take a higher power to inspire empathy around the devastating wireless proliferation, especially since microwave/radiofrequency emissions can affect the moral centers of people's brains. This is a dark time for humanity, and the great experiment on earthly life has begun to take its toll. How many more will have to pay?

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