Monday, May 14, 2012

Arizona smart meter news story: "Smart meters causing mysterious ailments"

This FoxNews (Phoenix) smart meter story (print and video) came out May 10 at 10:10 p.m. It is titled, Smart meters causing mysterious ailments. Several electromagnetically sensitive people are interviewed (amazingly).

At least it sounds like customers will be able to opt out: "Our job is to respond to our customers needs and if they express a desire for whatever reason they don't want this on their home then it's our job to see if we can find a plan that accommodates that," says Gross." (utility representative)

The Arizona fight is also touching Prescott. Again, customer health complaints and pleas are rising there (see the comments, too, at the bottom).


  1. My Friend Jacki lives In Paulden, AZ and is currently living out of her truck In 106 degree weather due to her many health issues caused by emf transmissions from The one smart meter left In her neighborhood. Every neighbor but one has had their smart meters replaced with harmless analog meters. She owns her own home and yet cannot dwell there due to The emmissions from that one meter. APS is aware of The situation and claims they can do nothing about it. Her life is In danger, is there anyone who could help?

  2. Lieberals really think GB did it dont they?Come on, you Republicans, you all know it's true.if who can tell me. i thank you. he is smart i like that.

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