Friday, June 15, 2012

Compendium of Radiofrequency Harmful Effects: accelerates tumors, increases malignancies (said FDA memo)

Microwave News Undercovers 1993 FDA Biologists Conclusion about Microwave Radiation

Thanks to a Microwave News request under the Freedom of Information Act, Microwave News unearthed an internal agency memo from the Food and Drug Administration in 1993. In the memo, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) biologists stated that the available data "strongly suggest" that microwave radiation can "accelerate the development of malignant tumors." "Of approximately eight chronic animal experiments known to us, five resulted in increased numbers of malignancies, accelerated progression of tumors, or both," wrote Drs. Mays Swicord and Larry Cress of FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) in Rockville, MD.

--- from Center for Safer Wireless newsletter

AND YET, this post at AEGIS (a shielding products site) shows how the FDA hid this finding in 1997 and 2000 public statements about "inconclusive scientific basis" regarding radiofrequency exposures and health risks.

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