Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Oakland County MI man charged felony, fined $25,000 for protecting wife from new smart meter

The GOOD news is a resolution passed in Oakland County MI to tell legislators to allow people to avoid having smart meters.

The BAD news is a local man, who knew nothing about smart meters until they figured out that was what was making his wife ill in the house, is being fined $25,000 plus a felony charge for "tampering with the meter." He gave notice and replaced the meter, and says he would do it again to protect his family.

Using the "tampering with the meter" utility law against citizens whose health is impacted by transmitting meters is an outrage. The tampering codes and laws were meant to keep people from stealing power. These people are law abiding citizens, who just want to control their home environments, no, who need to do so or be ill. The utilities and public service commissions slapping this clause on people whose health depends upon NOT having transmitting equipment on their homes are ABUSING their power as monopolies.

Folks, want to know what living in a communist society would be like? Look no further than this smart meter situation in the U.S.
(Video also available at resolution link above)

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