Wednesday, August 8, 2012

American Medical Association should adopt Austrian Medical Association guidelines regarding EMF-related Illnesses

Take note, American Medical Association:

of the Austrian Medical Association
for the diagnosis and treatment
of EMF related health problems and illnesses (EMF syndrome)

Consensus paper of the Austrian Medical Association’s EMF Working Group ( AG-EMF)

Adopted at the meeting of environmental medicine officers of the Regional Medical Association´s and the Austrian Medical Association on March 3, 2012 in Vienna.


6. Treatment

The primary method of treatment should consist in the prevention or reduction of EMF exposure, taking care to reduce or eliminate all sources of EMF if possible. Many examples have shown that such measures can prove effective.

Since sufficient EMF reduction is not possible in all cases, other measures can and must be considered. These include not only keeping additional exposure to a minimum, but also enhancing and increasing resistance to EMF. In some cases, positive effects of holistic medicine treatments have been reported.

We take it as given that appropriate treatment will be initiated after diagnosis if the patient presents manifest illness. Regardless of such treatment, the above-mentioned measures to reduce exposure should also be taken.

1 comment:

  1. the primary method of treatment should consist in the prevention or reduction of EMF exposure, taking care to reduce or eliminate all sources of EMF if possible. Many examples have shown that such measures can prove effective.James Dreesen
