Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nature's Victims of Manmade Electromagnetic Radiation? Great Chestnut Trees of Europe

By the time the scientists add 1+1 and do their homework on manmade EMR impacts on delicate, molecular functions and processes in nature it may be too late.

Take the dying of the great chestnut trees of Europe, for example. Scientists are scratching their heads as to why the leaf miner moths are proliferating. These moths are robbing aged trees of sunlight and opening them to infections.

The article states, "Without any clear reason, the moth became rampant and spread through much of Europe about a decade ago."

Helloooo. Wireless emissions had taken hold and continued to grow around that time. A little research online shows that MOTHS (and other insects/creatures) can sense and use electromagnetic energy especially for mating purposes. This all happens at a molecular level.

Here are just a few quotes showing how these small lifeforms may be cued into electromagentic energy in ways humans do not yet understand.

"Entomologists and naturalists dating back to the early 18th Century had suggested the possibility that insects communicate by radiations emitted from oscillating molecules. Riley referred to certain subtle vibrations that could be detected by a sense organ that does not respond to light of the same frequencies that our eyes can see, but that responds to other frequencies to which we are blind."

"The moth antenna has a remarkable resemblance to a radar antenna."
"Phillip Callahan found a variety of correspondences between the structures of various insect antennas and radio and microwave antennas."

Would the scientists that have no clue why leaf miner moths are madly reproducing please look into the potential EMR impact ASAP?

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