Sunday, December 16, 2012

American Academy of Pediatrics supports H.R. 6358 to establish safety standards

In July of this year the respected American Academy of Pediatrics wrote the FCC Chairman Genechowski asking for them to update exposure standards for cell phone radiation, which has not be done since 1996 despite power increases and usage explosion.

The AAP followed up with a letter of support for the (lame duck) legislation - H.R. 6358, the Cell Phone Right to Know Act - again, in the interest of protecting public health, especially children of all ages and pregnant women. Though this bill is unlikely to go forward it is a step in the right direction towards awareness of what needs to be done to protect future (and current) generations. An honest, thorough analysis of biological independent science is needed.

With the recent special report showing that even carrying a cell phone on the body may cause breast cancer, added to the citations the AAP lists, there is no excuse for our leaders to ignore what should be done. Besides, India's cellular radiation standards were already below America's and yet they decided to lower them even further recently to protect the public. It is time the U.S. addressed this looming crisis for our young and vulnerable populations.

The AAP cannot protect our children without your help. Please contact your federal lawmakers now to support H.R. 6358 and future bills addressing wireless radiation safety.

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