Friday, January 25, 2013

Huffington and Drudge news sources IGNORE smart meter news

From left to right and in between, big media generally ignores both local stories and the national overview of Americans' resistance to radiofrequency transmitting utility meters, called "smart meters," whether AMI, AMR or ERT types. Both the left's Huffington Post and right's Drudge Report news sources have not covered but a smidgeon of utility smart meter resistance news during the past year - 2012.

The irony is that the fight to keep safe, accurate, long-lasting, economical analog utility meters is being fought nationwide by groups made up of people from the left and right and everyone in between. THIS is truly one of the few - perhaps the only? - issue unifying citizens today. Amazing how the media won't touch it. Just amazing.

Huffington included news about Vermont smart meter opposition last May, and a brief story titled, Smart Meter, Utility Company Technology, Questioned By Michigan Public Service Commission, a year ago. The only other article found in a search was about smart parking meters in Denver - not utility meters. Huff does deserve credit for a November 2011 AP article, "States weighing pros, cons of utility smart meters," but their follow-up coverage is nonexistent.

Over the past year, this blogger regularly sent news on the smart meter front to Drudge, challenging them to cover this individual freedom issue. For example, these links were emailed on January 8, 2012:

 New Smart wáter meter pushers fear pushback from consumers
Sterling Heights puts hold on “smart meters”

FCC violation of smart meter bank caught on tape

Debate heats up in Ill. town over smart meters (Naperville, IL)

None of these or any other related news ever appeared at Drudge.
A year later - January 24, 2013 - out of the blue a Chicago Tribune article appeared at Drudge about the Naperville IL resistance without prompting.
Police accompanying electricity crews installing 'smart meters' arrest 2 homeowners... ^
From the January 24, 2013 15:20:03 GMT edition of the Drudge Report.

Stories usually move down on the list over a few days. But on January 25 the groundbreaking article was gone, the spot replaced by:


Baltimore Linebacker Plans to Use Game to Promote Gay Marriage...

AMERICAN IDOL Racism Row: Nine Black Rejects Sue FOX Show...

Ah, well, more important news is bound to replace mundane stories about U.S. citizens' struggles for basic freedoms and property rights. C'est la vie.

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