Thursday, March 28, 2013

Poetry against smart meters

Poets have begun pouring out expressions against forced smart meters. If you know of any others, please let us know so we can post them. (all copyrights retained by the authors.)

From Sinead of the Loch at


From 2013 Wisconson Poets' Calendar, and on poetry wall, 100 Thousand Poets for Change 

Dear Someone,
Please pull the
cell towers
down in my
so I can
enough to
do homework

Please turn off
the Wi-Fi
at my school
so I don’t
have to take
for my heart

And please change
back our smart
meters to
safer ones
so mom can
stop sleeping
in her car
on the street
Featured with illustrating photos at Stop Smart Meters:
Ode to the Toxic Smart Meter

Smartmeter Poem: “The Devil” by Ellen Cecil

Adapted from an original Poem by Anonymous

Wish List (of people sensitive to microwave emissions)

We yearn for just a few towns with less cell towers, Wi-Fi and smart meters
where we could live without getting sick. If not towns then how about
neighborhoods with people who care about our needs. No such
places? We’d welcome a sprinkling of rural houses out of
range of wireless broadband. With no guarantee of that,
we would accept one fully shielded room in our homes
or apartments if we could afford it – but many of us
can’t. Okay, okay, we understand, you won’t
give up your gadgets and apps so we must
take what we can get: the only
microwave-safe abodes,
6-foot deep in the
grassy slope.

Disclaimer: views of the poets are their own, not necessarily this blog's

1 comment:

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