Tuesday, April 30, 2013

PETITION: Fire FCC, enlist EPA to address radiofrequency biological safety limits

FCC staff have a conflict of interest (see below) in deciding what radiofrequency and microwave radiation exposure limits to adopt. They cannot help it: they work for industry. And they do a great job of it. They simply are NOT a public health agency and therefore are UNABLE to prioritize public safety and health.

The FCC does not even monitor high microwave heating limits on cellular antennas, according to an established independent organization's recent investigative report. Does this inspire confidence in the FCC's concern for protecting public health?

Let's fire the FCC from its RF standards responsibilities, which it cannot handle properly. Please SIGN THIS PETITION to get the ball rolling. Let's get congress to enlist the EPA and create meaningful, biological exposure limits - it is our best hope at this point.


W.E.E.P. article excerpt

Barris considers it peculiar that the FDA delegated the responsibility of creating safety standards for EMR to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), which regulates the telecommunications in the United States and internationally, to set standards related to acceptable levels of radio frequency (RF) exposure.

"There are two problems [with this]. The FCC is not a health organization, and is therefore not qualified to make assessments health. Second, the FCC resorted to allowing the telecom industry and its paid industry scientists to set the current standards. Would you trust the tobacco industry to tell you about the safety of their product or would you prefer the U.S. Surgeon General to do it?" asks Barris.

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