Tuesday, August 6, 2013

SAVE LIVES: submit comments to FCC to lower Radiofrequency Radiation exposure limits - by September 3

"The FCC is considering changes to its exposure limits and policies for RF radiation. This site is designed to help you learn more about the issues and submit meaningful comments to the FCC."

We can save people from harm and grief by providing meaningful input to the FCC before it is too late. Future generations will be saved from developmental and degenerative and DNA damage if we can get the message through now. Even if the FCC chooses to ignore it, the record will be there to build upon as more people fall victim to non-thermal chronic RF/MW impacts on their health and lives. When the people wake up there will be no stopping them. If the people wake up in time. If they live long enough to wake up. Sad, but true.

Submit comments today, and SAVE LIVES.

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