Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can electromagnetic exposure from cell phones and other devices both cure AND cause alzheimer's???

People jumping up and down for joy about a study that showed exposure to electromagnetic (such as cell phone energy) can prevent the build-up of plaque or protein that inhibits cellular communication in Alzheimer's disease need to sit down and listen. I am not a scientist, but I do try to apply logic to information (a librarian's habit) and here is my little theory:

Electromagnetic energy keeps the build-up of plaque/protein because it keeps the cells continuously activated (stressed?)at low levels so the bad stuff cannot settle.

By the same token, exposure could cause or accelerate brain dullness or Alzheimer's in some people because the same action would mobilize stored toxins/metals/chemicals in the body and brain causing free radical and oxidative damage. Electromagnetic exposure has been shown to cause a breach of the blood-brain barrier, which would allow these metals/toxins access to the brain.

So, the result depends upon the physiology, toxicity and heredity of the individual being exposed to the these emissions. Prevention for some is poison for others within range of exposure. That is why society should practice prudence and precaution in deploying more wireless devices and services.

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