Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Let's pump a bit of chloroform into our baby's bedroom...

Here is my comment in response to a heated debate at skeptoid.com on smart meters:

Let's pump a bit of chloroform into our baby's bedroom 24/7. Let's add a tad of lead to our kids' drinking water 24/7. Let's blow a little motor exhaust into our home air supply 24/7. Let's put a smart meter on the wall of our home that pulses radio-frequencies in bursts 24/7, along with all the neighbors' meters, which also pulse 24/7, cutting through our living spaces. Yeah. Let's not take any precautions with potentially harmful exposures, despite the existence of some damning scientific studies and people's reports of harm. Oh, yeah.

And most of all, let's demonize people who report they are made sick by wireless emissions, and get better only when away from them. Let's just label them as crazy and be done with their inconvenient protest. After all, they can't prove it so that automatically means we should ignore and discredit them, and not call for more studies and prudence in the meantime. They surely do not deserve our respect as fellow human beings, and they surely cannot be as smart as we are either. After all, we do not experience what they experience, so it can't be real. Even if they have a different physiology and genetic makeup than we do, their bodies should react like ours to have their experiences be real and valid. Yeah.

Besides, we like our convenient phones, wifi and see no problem with smart meters. No one is going to get in the way of our love affair with wireless technology! No one!

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