Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Smart Meter defenders = Dithering Idiots

I recently posted this comment at a site talking about the smart meter situation at Fort Bragg, CA because the article gave the utility industry's tricky explanation of how microwave-emitting meters cannot be harmful because they only send signals for a few seconds per day.

Smart Meters going off "just a minute a day" can mean sending bursts of energy several times or even pulsing short bursts every few seconds, 24/7. Then, all the meters in your neighborhood range "dither" - or go off at different moments. So you get a constant bombardment with this radiation.

Also, if you see these meters put at the edges of properties, especially in city blocks, when you walk by them and they happen to be going off, you get the full, close-up blast of disruptive radiation to you (and you children/pre-born,elderly,etc. ) A lot of times you'll see them at stoplights or near park sidewalks where people go to experience nature. You get exposed there, too, (to the dithering microwave radiation.)

Remember and use this word - dither - which comes from the industry itself. Smart meters dither and no one is keeping track of the COMBINED exposures when they go off in sequence or at the same moment in their patterns.

Dither dither dither dither. Add the word to your quill and use it to explain WHY the industry's description of the harmlessness of a few seconds of transmitted microwave radiation per day is misleading!

Let's respond to the dithering idiots in the utilities, who are feeding the public tricky information to justify their product's deployment!

1 comment:

  1. Another factor to add to the dithering is the pulsing. Even at extremely low levels, it is the pulsed delivery mode of the microwaves that can cause the more harm than nonstop ones:
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Just hink of a slapping machine, whop, whop, whop, hitting right in the head. You recover only to be slapped again. Or a car engine, on, off, on ,off. Not so good for the function of the engine.
    PULSING, DITHERING microwaves reek absolute havoc on living things.
