Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Carrier pigeons can beat rural broadband speed - no kidding

Humans get pretty cocky about the speed of technology to carry information. But last year in the U.K., a humble carrier pigeon (named Rory) flew a computer memory card between two counties quicker than a rural computer could upload a five minute video to the web.

Yet humans are bound and determined to flood the air with microwaves to try to get their information from point A to point B. This is like hosing water the streets and through our yards 24/7 to get some water into our homes. Talk about inefficient. And dangerous to the public. Fiber optic is smarter.

In the meantime, I'd consider starting a carrier pigeon information service but the deadly cell towers and wind farms everywhere you look would pose a danger to the birds. Anyhow, bless little Mr. Rory for trying to deliver some sense to humankind despite the odds.

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