Thursday, December 15, 2011

History of Microwave Mania: 40-year-old US Government Report issued URGENT WARNING on Electromagnetic Pollution

This 2007 article (or try this link) by Karl Hecht and Elena N. Savoley of IRCHET International Research Centre of Healthy and Ecological Technology should be a call to action. Their well-researched piece, Overloading of Towns and Cities with Radio Transmitters (Cellular Transmitter): a hazard for the human health and a disturbance of eco-ethics, exposes the current US government's shocking disregard for public health and safety.

The article opens with the following quotations from a US government report on electromagnetic pollution from 1971 that issued an urgent warning about these emissions 40 years ago.

The electromagnetic radiations emanating for radar, television, communications systems, microwave ovens, industrial heat-treatment systems, medical diathermy units, and many other sources permeate the modern environment, both civilian and military.”
“Unless adequate monitoring and control based on a fundamental understanding of biological effects are instituted in the near future, in the decades ahead, man may enter an era of energy pollution of the environment comparable to the chemical pollution of today.”
“The consequences of undervaluing or misjudging the biological effects of long-term, low-level exposure could become a critical problem for the public health, especially if genetic effects are involved.”
Hecht's article also vindicates the existence of electrohypersensitivity syndrome (EHS), also called Radiofrequency Sickness, Radio Wave Sickness or Microwave Sickness. It states that in 1932, the German doctor Erwin Schliephake published scientific data in the German Medical Weekly about radio transmitter-induced "microwave" or "radio wave sickness" with these symptoms: severe tiredness and fatigue during the day, fitful sleep in the night, headaches to the point of intolerability, and high susceptibility to infection. THIS WAS 80 YEARS AGO, people.

The article goes on to show how the newly discovered illness was verified as "microwave sickness, induced by athermal high-frequency EMF radiation." That's ATHERMAL, meaning below levels that cause heating effects. Our current government standards are ONLY based on heating effects, such as happens in higher settings of microwave ovens.

Hecht writes that the Russian author Zinaida Gordon from the Moscow Institute for Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases scientifically verified Dr. Schliephake's findings, and examined over 1,000 people who worked at radio installations, electric utilities, radar stations, etc., over the duration of 10 years. Here are the common symptoms she established for microwave sickness:
daytime tiredness
loss of productiveness
cardiovascular regulation changes of various types
neurovegetative disorders
hyperactivity and inner agitation
Professor Gordon also found that the symptoms strengthened with increasing exposures, and sensitivity to microwave radiations increased.

Our government has been well-versed about the dangers of electromagnetic pollution for forty years, and its negligence is causing people to fall very ill from a scientifically documented condition, which has been in the literature since 1936 - nearly 80 years - and there is NO EXCUSE to ignore this. 

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